Organizatio Contra Crimen Intellegentiae
Organizational Overview and Strategic Realignment
Our organization has expanded its international operations, collaborating with a specialized team in security research, crime prevention, combating organized crime, and countering intelligence threats. These efforts are conducted under the supervision and monitoring of relevant security authorities and governmental entities.
Historical Context and Leadership
Operations commenced in Milan, Italy, in 2021, led by Dr. Alexander Jan, the Executive Director/CEO of the International Police Organization Academy, along with his partners, including members of law enforcement agencies. Over three years, the organization engaged in various registrations and projects across Europe.
Strategic Relocation to England
In pursuit of maintaining strategic direction and enhancing our international reputation, a decision was made to relocate the headquarters to England. This move designates England as the sole and central command center for both domestic and international operations. Consequently, the control or subsidiary office in Italy was eliminated and the trademarks were withdrawn to protect our reputation. This decision was made because some partners were only pursuing their own interests.
Current Status and Objectives
The president established the organization with the goal of combating organized crime and intelligence threats. Due to Italian laws that do not permit police or military intelligence operations by civilians, the headquarters was relocated to England.
Mission and Future Role
Our international connections and network have now been solidified, preparing us to:
Combat organized crime
Raise global awareness within communities
Assist local, national, and international authorities and security agencies in collaborative efforts
We are fully equipped and prepared to play a vital role alongside these authorities and agencies, leveraging our expertise and connections to enhance global security and crime prevention efforts.